Top 9 human foods that dogs can enjoy

Top 9 human foods that dogs can enjoy

Whenever you have a meal or a snack, it can be hard to resist sharing tidbits from your plate with your pet. But not all foods are safe for dogs, especially for the young and old ones, as their digestive system may not process all foods with ease. Nevertheless, it is difficult to keep pets from eating human foods every now and then, so here are a few safe foods you can share with dogs:

Apples are rich in fiber and essential nutrients. Also, nutritionists recommend apples for pets to boost their vitamin intake, making them one of the best human foods dogs can enjoy. The fruit is loaded with essential polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Also, the fibrous texture of the fruit makes it a great munchie to keep their teeth clean. However, you must remove the seeds before feeding apples to dogs, as the seed can release cyanide—a known poison for both humans and pets—when chewed.

Blueberries are the richest source of antioxidants that should be a part of your and your pet’s daily meal plan. Blueberries naturally help boost immunity and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals attacking the immune system. Blueberries are also low in calories and easy to digest, making them a healthy snack alternative to store-bought treats. You can give berries regularly to senior dogs, as the antioxidants help counter the problems that dogs face with advancing age.

Fruits are a rich source of hydration, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that boost immunity. Watermelon is one of the safer options that your furry friends can definitely eat to deal with the summer heat. Watermelon is a low-calorie snack rich in potassium and vitamins A, B6, and C essential for improving immune function. Also, watermelon is mostly water with fibrous pulp, which means your pets can stay hydrated by eating the fruit. However, you should ensure that the watermelon slices you feed to your pets do not have any seeds.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While you sit down for the first meal of the day, your dog can also share a hearty plate of eggs right next to you. Now, it is never safe to serve pets raw or undercooked eggs. But thoroughly cooked eggs, including boiled, pan-fried, and scrambled eggs, are perfectly safe for your dog. Eggs are a rich natural source of protein essential for building muscle mass and strength. You should opt for minimal seasoning, as dogs have a heightened sense of smell and taste.

Carrots and green beans
Carrots are an excellent addition to the daily food plan for your pet. The best part is carrots can be served raw or cooked. The crunchy texture of the veggie helps keep the dog’s teeth clean as they munch on the pieces. Also, carrots are low-calorie snacks rich in nutrients that support digestion. The same goes for green beans that you can serve either raw or poached. They contain calcium, iron, and vitamin K, which are necessary for improving the immunity of dogs. Asparagus and spinach are also healthy additions, as they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Nevertheless, you are better off serving your dog thoroughly cooked asparagus and spinach without adding a lot of seasoning.

Lean meats
Chicken and turkey are the best sources of lean proteins that you can feed your pets regularly. However, you should never serve raw meat, as the bacteria in poultry can cause infections to develop in the digestive system of pets. Dogs love chicken, and it is one of the widely used protein sources for commercial pet food recipes. But home-cooked chicken is free of additives and preservatives, making it one of the best human foods dogs can enjoy.

Dogs can eat fish that do not have tiny bones, which can be a choking hazard. Certain types of fish are also good alternatives for red meats and are packed with essential nutrients and minerals that growing dogs need. Salmon has an appealing texture and flavor when cooked, so your pets will enjoy a few juicy pieces of fish. Further, salmon is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids that support digestion and immunity. It is also a rich source of proteins that growing pups and young adult dogs can digest. You should never give dogs raw cuts of fish like sushi or sashimi, as little ones cannot digest raw fish. Additionally, there is always the risk of bacterial infection when the fish is not cooked properly.

Peanut butter
Peanut butter is rich in calories and fats. So, although safe as an occasional treat, one should keep peanut butter intake in check. Also, you should choose unsalted, plain variants for your pets, as they are usually easier to digest. What’s more? An effortless way to keep your dog occupied with their chew toy or have an easy bath experience is to smear some of this butter all over the toys for them to lick away.

Popcorn can be a choking hazard, even for us, when a kernel goes down the wrong pipe. But it is a safe snack alternative as popcorn kernels dissolve quickly in the saliva and are digested easily owing to the rich fiber content. Plain, air-popped popcorn is the best pick for dogs, so avoid adding any salt, caramel, butter, and other condiments that you would love in your bowl of popcorn. You should also ensure the kernels are fully popped before letting your pet have them so that uncooked seeds do not end up bruising or damaging the healthy teeth of dogs.

You can consult a veterinarian to address any concerns regarding the best dog-friendly human foods.